What is a Parse Tree or Derivation Tree?
Let's understand about parse tree which is also known as the derivation tree.
Parsing is a way to derive
string from given grammar by parse tree or better to say derivation tree.
tree or derivation tree is the tree representation having root nodes with its
corresponding child node. With the help of that tree, we derive context-free
language from a given grammar. A parse tree is an ordered tree in which the left-hand
side of production represents a parent node and the right-hand side of production
() represents a children node.
are certain conditions for constructing a parse tree from a given CFG. Those
are as follows.
Each vertex of the tree must have a
label. The label is non-terminal or terminal or null (Λ).
The root of the tree is the start
symbol, i.e., S.
The label of the internal vertices is
a non-terminal symbol ∈ VN.
If there is a production A → X1X2
. . . XK, then for a vertex label A, the children of that node
will be X 1X2 . . . XK.
A vertex n is called a leaf of the parse tree
if its label is a terminal symbol ∈ Σ or null (Λ)
parse tree construction is possible only for CFG. This is because of the
properties of a tree match with the properties of CFG.
Here, we are describing the similar properties of a tree and a CFG.
· For a tree, there must be some root.
For every CFG, there is a single start symbol.
· Each node of a tree has a single
label. For every CFG at the LHS, there is a single non-terminal.
· A child node is derived from a single
parent. For constructing a CFL from a given CFG, a non-terminal is replaced by
a suitable string at the RHS (if for a non-terminal, there are multiple
productions). Each of the characters of the string is generating a node. That
is, for each single node there is a single parent.
parse tree construction is possible only for CFG. This is because of the
properties of a tree match with the properties of CFG.
of trees that are similar to CFG were described here:
Tree and CFG both have a single initial
state. Root in tree & start symbol in CFG.
· Single label in each node of the tree,
similarly there is single non-terminal for every CFG at its LHS.
· Each node of a tree has a single
label. For every CFG at the LHS, there is a single non-terminal.
A child node is derived from a single
parent. For constructing a CFL from a given CFG, a non-terminal is replaced by
a suitable string at the RHS (if for a non-terminal, there are multiple
productions). Each of the characters of the string is generating a node. That
is, for every single node there is a single parent.
of the above-mentioned similarities, we can construct a parse tree or
derivation tree of CFG only.
Note: If we talk about context-sensitive
grammar as bB → aa or AA → B then since more than two elements are on the left
side of the production it will not be possible to generate a parse tree as a parse
tree has only a single parent node.
the following examples.
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