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    What is Two-way infinite Turing machine in TOC?

     An answer to a two-way infinite Turing machine in TOC is that it is 
    a tape that is denoted by (Q, Σ , Γ, δ, qacc , q0 , qrej) as in the original model.

    Q is a finite and nonempty set of states.

    Σ is an alphabet called the input alphabet, which may not include the blank symbol.

    Γ is an alphabet called the tape alphabet, which must satisfy Σ  { }  Γ.

    δ is a transition function having the form δ : Q\{ qacc , qrej } × Γ → Q × Γ × {←, →}.

    q0  Q is the initial state.

    qacc, qrej  Q are the accept and reject states, which must satisfy qacc  qrej.

    The tape is of infinite length which can be moved to the left as well as to the right. The movement will have the following transition function.  

    If  (q, x) = (p, Y, L) then q x a m pBY. The tape head movement will move infinite towards left.
     (q, x) = (p, B, R) then q x a m, pa. The tape head movement will be move is infinite towards right.

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