What is Non-Deterministic Turing Machines ?
Turing Machine with a two-way infinite tape is denoted by (Q,Σ, Γ, δ, qacc , q0 , qrej)
as in original model.
Q is a finite and nonempty
set of states.
Σ is an alphabet called
the input alphabet, which may not include the blank symbol.
Γ is an alphabet called
the tape alphabet, which must satisfy Σ ∪ { } ⊆ Γ.
δ is a transition function
having the form δ : Q\{ qacc , qrej } ×
Γ → Q × Γ × {←, →}.
q0 ∈ Q is the initial state.
qacc, qrej ∈ Q are the accept and
reject states, which must satisfy qacc ≠ qrej.
A non-deterministic turing machine is an automaton with a finite control
and a single side or says one-way infinite tape. From a given state and a tape
symbol scanned by the tape head, the machine has a finite number of choices for
the next move. The non-deterministic TM accepts its input if any sequence of
choices of moves leads to an accepting state.
Note: Non-deterministic TM is not permitted to make a move in which the next state is selected from one choice and the symbol printed and direction of head motion are selected from other choices.
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